Recent Publications

Below, you’ll find links to selected publications since 2016. For additional publications, you can find Rick’s full CV on the Oregon State faculty website.

Academic areas: The life course; age and aging; youth and young adulthood; life events and transitions; historical experiences and social change; social relationships and networks; parenthood and family life; social policy.

Please contact Rick by email if you would like a copy of any publication.


Stauber, B., Walther, A., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.)(2022). Doing transitions in the life course: Processes and practices. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Kunkel, S., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2022). Aging, society, and the life course (6th edition). New York: Springer Publishing.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Elder, G.H., Jr., & Pearce, L. (2021). Living on the edge: An American generation’s journey through the twentieth century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Grenier, A., Phillipson, C., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.)(2020). Precarity and aging: Understanding insecurity and risk in later life. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Spiro, A. III, Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Aldwin, C. M. (Eds.)(2018). Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., & McClelland, M. (Eds.)(2018). The study of human development: The future of the field. New York: Routledge.

Bengtson, V., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.)(2016). Handbook of theories of aging (3rd edition). New York: Springer Publishing.


Hollstein, B., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Spini, D., & Vacchiano, M. (Eds.)(2024). Networked lives: The influence of social networks on the life course. Advances in Life Course Research. (Lead article here.)

Bernardi, L., Huinink, J., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.)(2019). Theoretical and methodological frontiers in life course research. Advances in Life Course Research, 41.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., & McClelland, M. (Eds.)(2018). Being human in hard times: Disturbing trends and signs of hope. Research in Human Development, 15(3-4), 181-373.


Settersten, R. A., Jr, Dannefer, D., Elder, G.H., Jr., Mortimer, J.T., & Kelly, J. A. (2024). Studying social change in human lives: A conversation. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 15(1), 5-18.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Hollstein, B., & McElvaine, K. (2024). “Unlinked lives”: Elaboration of a concept and its significance for the life course. Advances in Life Course Research, 59. 100583.

Turner, S., Hooker, K., Chandler, K. D., Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Stawski, R. (2023). Daily caregiving appraisals, future self-views, and physical activity goals among adult-daughter dementia caregivers. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 78(11), 1813-1823.

Eisner, L., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Turner-Zwinkels, F. M., & Haessler, T. (2021). Perceptions of intolerant norms both facilitate and inhibit collective action among sexual minorities. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. (Advance Access, July 20)

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Bernardi, L., Härkönen, J., Antonucci, T. C., Dykstra, P. A., Heckhausen, J., Kuh, D., Mayer, K. U., Moen, P., Mortimer, J. T., Mulder, C. H., Smeeding, T. M., van der Lippe, T., Hagestad, G. O., Kohli, M., Levy, R., Schoon, I., & Thomson, E. (2020). Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens. Advances in Life Course Research, 45, September (Open Access).

Bernardi, L., Huinink, J., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2020). The life course cube, reconsidered. Advances in Life Course Research, 45 (September), 1-5.

Cerino, E., Stawski, R., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Odden, M., & Hooker, K. (2020). Aging-related changes in association between negative affect and response time inconsistency in older adulthood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(2), 109-121.

Tyler, C., Geldhof, J., Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Flay, B. (2020). How do discrimination and self-esteem control beliefs affect prosociality? An examination of Black and Latinx youth. Journal of Early Adolescence, 41(2), 282-308.

Cerino, E., Hooker, K., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Odden, M., & Stawski, R. (2020). Daily linkages between high and low arousal affect and subjective cognitive complaints. Aging and Mental Health, 25(5), 844-855.

Recksiedler, C., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2019). How young adults’ appraisals of work and family goals changed over the Great Recession: An examination of gender and rural-urban differences. Journal of Youth Studies, 23(9), 1217-1233.

Landes, S., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2019). The inseparability of human agency and linked lives. Advances in Life Course Research, 42(December), 1-10.

Bernardi, L., Huinink, J., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2019). The “life course cube”: A tool for studying lives. Advances in Life Course Research, 41(September), 1-13.

Tomayko, E., Godliewski, B., Bowman, S., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Weber, R., & Krahn, G. (2019). Leveraging public health research to inform state legislative policy that promotes health for children and families. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23, 733–738.

Galardi, T., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2018). “They’re just made up different”: Juvenile correctional staff perceptions of incarcerated boys and girls. Children and Youth Services Review, 95, 200-208.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Thogmartin, A. (2018). Flux: Insights into the social aspects of life transitions. Research in Human Development, 15(3-4), 360-373.   

Recksiedler, C., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Geldhof, J., & Hooker, K. (2018). Stable goals despite economic strain: Young adults’ goal appraisals over the Great Recession. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43 (2), 147-156.

Day, J. K., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2018). Less trusting and connected? Social trust and social integration among young adults during the Great Recession. Advances in Life Course Research, 37, 57-68.

Hadden, B., Harvey, S. M., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Agnew, C. R. (2018). What do I call us? The investment model of commitment processes and changes in relationship categorization. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10(2), 235-243.

Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2017). Some things I’ve learned about aging by studying the life course. Innovation in Aging, 1(2), 1-7.

Meagher, K. M., McGowan, M. L., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Fishman, J. R., & Juengst, E. T. (2017). Precisely where are we going? Charting the new terrain of precision prevention. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 18, 369-387.

McGowan, M. L., Choudhury, S., Juengst, E. T., Lambrix, M., Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Fishman, J. R. (2017). Let’s pull these technologies out of the ivory tower”: The politics, ethos, and ironies of participant-driven genomic research. BioSocieties, 12, 494–519.

Hagestad, G. O., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2017). Aging: It’s interpersonal! – Reflections from two life course migrants. The Gerontologist, 57, 136-144.

Juengst, E. T., McGowan, M. L., Fishman, J. R., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2016). From “personalized” to “precision” medicine: The ethical and social implications of rhetorical reform in genomic medicine. Hastings Center Report, 46 (September), 21-33.

Woolley, J. P., McGowan, M., Teare, H., Coathup, V., Fishman, J.; Settersten, R. A., Jr., Sterckx, S., Kaye, J., & Juengst, E. T. (2016). Citizen science or scientific citizenship? Disentangling the uses of public engagement rhetoric in national research initiatives. BMC Medical Ethics, 17:33 (17 pages).

Spiro, A. III, Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Aldwin, C. (2016). Long-term outcomes of military service for aging and the life course: A positive re-envisioning. The Gerontologist, 56(1), 5-13.

Eicher, V., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Penic, S., Glaeser, S., Martenot, A., & Spini, D. (2016). Normative climates of parenthood across Europe: Judging voluntary childlessness and working parents. European Sociological Review, 32(1), 135-150.

Mejía, S., Settersten, R. A., Jr. Odden, M., & Hooker, K. (2016). Responses to financial loss during the Great Recession: An examination of sense of control in late midlife. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 71(4), 734-744.


Settersten, R. A., Jr., Buchmann, M., Kohli, M., Levy, R., de Ribaupierre, A., Salmela-Aro, K. & Thomson, E. (2023). Overcoming vulnerability in the life course: Reflections on a research program. In D. Spini & E. Widmer (Eds.), Withstanding vulnerability throughout adult life: Dynamics of stressors, resources, and reserves. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

Roy, K. & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2022). The family life course framework: Perspectives on interdependence and inequality. In K. Adamsons, A. Few-Demo, C. Proulx, & K. Roy (eds.), Sourcebook of family theories and methodologies (pp. 287-307). New York:  Springer Science.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Stauber, B., & Walther, A. (2022). The significance of relationality in “doing transitions.” In B. Stauber, A. Walther, & R. A. Settersten, Jr (Eds.), Doing transitions in the life course: Processes and practices (pp. 3-18). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Walther, A., Stauber, B., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2022). Doing transitions: A new research perspective. In B. Stauber, A. Walther, & R. A. Settersten, Jr (Eds.), Doing transitions in the life course: Processes and practices (pp. 235-252). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Bernardi, L., Härkönen, J., Antonucci, T. C., Dykstra, P. A., Heckhausen, J., Kuh, D., Mayer, K. U., Moen, P., Mortimer, J. T., Mulder, C. H., Smeeding, T. M., van der Lippe, T., Hagestad, G. O., Kohli, M., Levy, R., Schoon, I., & Thomson, E. (2022). The Covid-19 pandemic: Inequalities and the life course. In G. Pollock & M. Nico (Eds.), Routledge handbook of contemporary inequalities and the life course (pp. 152-172). London: Routledge.

Bogenschneider, K., Normandin, H., Onaga, E., Bowman, S., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2021). Evaluating efforts to communicate research to policymakers: A theory of change in action. In K. Bogenschneider & T. Corbett, Evidence-based policy: Envisioning a new era of theory, research, and practice (2nd ed., pp. 195-231). London: Routledge.

Bernardi, L., Huinink, J., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2020). Linking demographic change and the life course: Insights from the “life course cube.” In J. Falkingham, M. Evandrou, & A. Vlachantoni (Eds.), Handbook of demographic change and the lifecourse (pp. 7-21). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Grenier, A., Phillipson, C., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2020). Precarity and ageing: New perspectives for social gerontology. In A. Grenier, C. Phillipson, & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.), Precarity and aging: Understanding insecurity and risk in later life (pp. 1-15). Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2020). How life course dynamics matter for precarity in later life. In A. Grenier, C. Phillipson, & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.), Precarity and aging: Understanding insecurity and risk in later life (pp. 19-40). Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Grenier, A., Phillipson, C., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2020). Precarity and ageing in the twenty-first century. In A. Grenier, C. Phillipson, & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (Eds.), Precarity and aging: Understanding insecurity and risk in later life (pp. 237-246). Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Schneider, B. (2018). The future of higher education: What’s the life course got to do with it? In B. Schneider (Ed.), Handbook of the sociology of education in the 21st century (pp. 457-471). New York: Springer Science.

Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2018). Nine ways that social relationships matter for the life course. In D. F. Alwin, D. H. Felmlee, & D. A. Kreager (Eds.), Social networks and the life course: Integrating the development of human lives and social relational networks (pp. 27-40). New York: Springer Science.

Spiro, A., III, Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Aldwin, C. M. (2018). Understanding the long-term outcomes of military service. In A. Spiro, III, R. A. Settersten, R. A., Jr., & C. M. Aldwin (Eds.), Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans (pp. 3-16). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Aldwin, C. M., & Spiro, A., III. (2018). Aging veterans and long-term outcomes of military service: Implications for practice and policy. In A. Spiro, III, R. A. Settersten, R. A., Jr., & C. M. Aldwin (Eds.), Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans (pp. 277-292). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Recksiedler, C., Godlewski, B., & Elder, G. H., Jr. (2018). Two faces of wartime experience: Veterans’ appraisals and collective memories in later life. In A. Spiro, III, R. A. Settersten, R. A., Jr., & C. M. Aldwin (Eds.), Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans (pp. 19-36). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Spiro, A., III, Aldwin, C. M., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2018). Survey items for assessing military service. In A. Spiro, III, R. A. Settersten, R. A., Jr., & C. M. Aldwin (Eds.), Long-term outcomes of military service: The health and wellbeing of aging veterans. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press. (Open access.)

Warner, T., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2017). Why neighborhoods (and how we study them) matter for adolescent development. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 52, 105-152.

Bengtson, V.L., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2016). Theories of aging: Developments within and across disciplinary boundaries. In V. Bengtson & R. A. Settersten, Jr. (Eds.), Handbook of theories of aging (3rd edition, pp. 1-7). New York: Springer Publishing.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Bengtson, V.L. (2016). Future prospects for theories of aging. In V. Bengtson & R. A. Settersten, Jr. (Eds.), Handbook of theories of aging (3rd edition, pp. 707-718). New York: Springer Publishing.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Godlewski, B. (2016). Concepts and theories of age and aging. In V. Bengtson & R. A. Settersten, Jr. (Eds.), Handbook of theories of aging (3rd edition, pp. 9-25). New York: Springer Publishing.


Nair, N., Bellamy, L., Duncan, R., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Normandin, H., & MacDermid Wadsworth, S. (2023). Tackling housing concerns at the state level: Lessons from Family Impact Seminars. National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Policy Brief, 8(1), 1-8.

Stevens, M.L., Alston, G. D., Cini, M., Gallagher, S., Horwitz, I., Kazin, C., McCann, P.S., Pardos, Z., Roumell, E. A., Sheffer, H., Zanville, H., Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2021). An applied science to support working learners. A report to the National Science Foundation. Stanford University. December 2021; report launch, January 20, 2022.

Billari, F.C., Badolato, L., Hagestad, G.O., Liefbroer, A.C., Settersten, R. A., Jr., Spéder, Z., & Van Bavel, J. (2021, June). The timing of life: Topline results from Round 9 of the European Social Survey. London: European Infrastructure Research Consortium.

McElvaine, K., Fenske, L., Rothwell, D., Weber, B., Pratt, M., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2021). Oregon’s child care and early education crisis: Research-based solutions for options, financing, and equity [White paper of the 2020 Oregon Family Impact Seminar], Oregon State University.

Tyler, C., Barrett-Rivera, B., & Settersten, R. A., Jr. (2018).  How housing policy can make a different in child and family outcomes [White paper of the 2018 Oregon Family Impact Seminar], Oregon State University.

Tomayko, E., Godlewski, B., & Krahn, G., with Bowman, S., Settersten, R. A., Jr., & Weber, B. (2016).  Childhood obesity: School and community solutions [White paper of the 2016 Oregon Family Impact Seminar], Oregon State University.